Thursday, May 12, 2011

When you are at the end of your rope...

For the past week we have been drenched with sunshine which in itself is a true blessing.  Those tired dreary days of winter are over and even the rainy days of April have passed.  The trees have bloomed....They went from bare to fully dressed before our eyes....The landscapes are full of green grass and beautiful flowers.  Those dreaded dandelions have even returned!   The "mommy bus" has been busier than I had imagined, but at least we have a "mommy bus" and the resources to pay for it.

Lately, I have really been questioning what my role and purpose is in this world.  I have asked God to show my what it is that I should be doing.  My babies are off to school each day and I am left to tend the house and the pets.  With all of this "time" to myself and my house I have realized that I'm missing out on tending my children.  I have become a parent that reacts.  I let my busyness interfere with how I ought to be parenting.  I am selfish.  I want what I want and if that means I don't deal with the tending of my children for a few more minutes I then am forced to react.  "What have I done?" I often ask myself.  Then I tell myself I'll do better next time.  I beg God to give me the strength to be a better mom to not just react, but to be proactive.  To train up little respectful children who love God.  I know I can only do this through God's strength because the "mommy bus" is much too busy these days.   "This is the stuff that gets under my skin".  Take a moment to listen to this song, 

It seems to be my mantra lately.

I know this is the type of "stuff" God uses to change our hearts and our lives.

My babies are far too precious for me to let "my mess" mess them up.  

I want to start fresh like the first buds of spring and bring forth an abundant crop like this!


And yes this is the same tree with great bounty of leaves!

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