Friday, March 18, 2011

It's been a long week...

The kids have been home at 12:30 all week long.  I love half days, there seems to be so much extra time in the day, not for "me" actually, but for "me and the kids."  We haven't really done anything extrodinary, but we've played baseball, and they have rode their bikes and we have just sat and talked.  We've put off an important school project all week to enjoy the sunshine and warmer tempatures.   It's really been a beautiful week!  Today being the most beautiful of all, not just because it's Friday and it's going to be over 70 degrees, but because we were going to ride bikes to school, which the kids have been missing all winter.

Today of all days, they chose to have some physical confrontations with each other before school.  Why?  I don't know.  I wish I could read their little minds.  I wish I could see into their hearts.  

 I'm a idealist,
 a person who cherishes or pursues high or noble principles,purposes, goals, etc

I look at the world through those idealistic lenses, if we could all just get on the same page the world would be a better place.  I want to fix things, I plan things, I'm optimistic.  But when it comes to my kids I know that there are just some things that they have to learn from experiences.  I can plan it out all of want, but I can only do the my best and the rest I have to give to God.  So this morning when they were involved in their conflict I was somewhat apprehesive to intervene.  They had to learn how to solve this conflict.  I did help a little...and I wouldn't have planned it to end the way it ended.  It ended with us riding our bikes to school, and I think we all were happy. It's been a long week....but I wouldn't have planned it any other way. 

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