I'm not perfect, our family isn't perfect, I just know how to use the edit button.
I have been reading a few pages at a time of a great book titled, "the DNA of Relationships" by Dr. Garry Smalley. It was a gift from my Aunt, it was actually a group gift, each married woman received one for Christmas.
On the back of the book, it asks you if you are "repeating the same mistakes in your relationships?"
My answer, yes.
I stink at relationships actually....
I give up easily...
I want it my way...
I want to be accepted...
Some things this book is teaching me.....
1. How to change the fear dance
2. How to become the CEO of my life
3. How to recruit assistants
4. How to forgive and heal relationships
5. How to create a safe environment
This week, I'm reading about how to keep my battery charged.
I'm learning how my emotions are "God's information system for me." How they are trying tell me something important.
I feel "emotional" often. I don't often wear my emotions on my shirt sleeve, I'm learning how to manage this and let people inside my wall.
SO Happy that you started this! Love you!